The Challenge
Van Eesteren museum is organising an exhibition with the title 'We Built This City On Rock And Roll'. We were asked to design something using interactive technologies to create immersive experience.
AR Promotional Poster
Posters are pasted in the grounds of landmark where rock and roll history happened. Curious bystander scan the QR and are taken to an AR expereince showing them information about the exhibition.
Interactive Map
From the AR poster, user are taken to an interactive map showing where the other AR experiences are. They can learn more about the history in the website and are encouraged to visit the exhibition.
On the wall visitor can read accounts of people from different generations about specific rock and roll or other music event in Amsterdam.  Before they can add their own, they can immerse themselves the stories through a VR experience.
VR Experience
Inside the VR, visitors hear 8 curated stories of two different generations. The VR is supported with audio and visual effects to make the used more immersed to the stories.
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